No, I haven't made anything....apart from a mess.... I am just writing, carelessly writing. I have decided that I don't have to be scared of posting something just for the sake of posting and that I don't always have to be making something just to tell you about it but I can keep in just write a few eaningless rambles, a few letters put together and deciphered into words...who knows these scrawlingS may actually mean something really important to you,...if not maybe they will make you laugh...or cry or smile or it may lead you to something else where ....who knows!
So any ways, I tapped in to goggle...lookingforloie and decided I may just write something utterly useless for you all to see on this dreary Sunday afternoon....and what came up was Looking for Love! (just above lookingforloie) and it made me think, are you looking for Love? have you found it? are you holding tightly on to it, white knuckled in your sweaty palms, have you let it fly free through the sky? perhaps your looking for it in the darkest corners of the world, you may have all your love cards on the table or maybe you have them held tightly to your chest? maybe you have enough love in your life and you don't need or want any more....Anyway it got me thinking...
I am one of those lucky people (at this particular moment in time) to have love, lots of it, stashed in my pockets, overspilling into every corner of my life....I don't take any of that love for granted as I know that as quickly as it came as quickly it may go...I treasure every moment of it, remember every second and smile with every ounce!
I have lots of love from lots of lovely people, coming from the oldest to the youngest, from the smallest to the shortest, from the wisest to the most foolishest, from the serious to the funniest...I have it from someone in there 70's to someone right down to 1 years of age and even though he can't tell me of his love I can see it in his eyes and giggles and it makes me happy!
I have one type of love that is truly special it is no better, no worse, it has no more value than the others but it is SPECIAL...purely because it is the kind of love that has no guarantees and is given purely because it wants to...... not because it has too! and this love will be going away for a little while (to work!!), I will treasure it at weekends and work hard to work near it so I can be with it every day...it makes me sad to know that this Love will be on its own for a little while but I know it can only shine brighter. I will miss this Love more than anything and I am pretty sure this Love will miss me too!
That's the great thing about Love...It can come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colours, can come from the farthest of places or from places so close to you that you couldn't even see it stood in front of you, it sounds and smells different, it can make you laugh and can make you cry (and at the same time) and no one love is ever the same....I am pretty convinced that you can only have one true love on this earth and I know I have found it....I'm not sure whether the hardest part is finding it or holding on to it but I know every second has been fun and will stay planted in my memory for ever...
There is a true saying about love and it goes a little something like this ' if you hold on to it too tightly it will die but if you set it free and it comes back to you..then that love is yours'
Have you ever been in Love? Are you in Love? Are you a believer in there being more than one true love in this world? are you lucky enough to have found it more than once? Have you had the same Love for a long long time? Do tell, we all Love to hear about Love,
Oh P.s, i have been meaning to tell you, you may see i's like this not like this I, this is because i think that i's like this are much prettier...Occassionaly my computer corrects my i's because the computer likes these I's better but thats what makes my i's likeable.....It's a rebellion....people all over the world are rebelling againts these (I) little blighters! Oh and while im here i don't care too much for spell checker so you will see many a mistake on my blog but we like that...i'm not a writer not really and personally i think a few little mistakes here and there make for better reading....You can sit at home and giggle at my mistakes i don't mind, as long as it makes you giggle and besides i think it makes the page look a lot prettyer ha xxxxx